

Selected Topic:                                                                                             Identification of Social Problems                                                                        

Very Short Questions

1. What do you mean by social problems? Give examples.

The nourished evils and perversions caused by our ignorance, selfishness, inhumanity and inefficiency is called social problems. The examples of social problems are dowry system, robbery, girls trafficking, untouchability, gender equality etc.

2. What do you understand by social evils?

The problems such as girl trafficking, theft, robbery, murder, violence, anarchism etc. which appeared due to the social problems such as poverty, unemployment, etc. are called social evils. The bad practices such as superstition, witchcraft, dowry system, etc. are kept under social evils.

3. What is known by linguistic problem?

If the government gives the priority to one language to other languages, spoken within the country in a way others will be in the shadow, the other language speakers will feel difficult to expose the state language and it will so know by linguistic problems.

4. What is the importance of public awareness in solving social problems?

Public awareness is very important to solve social problems. Raising public awareness is not telling public what to do but it explains issues and disseminates knowledge to people so they can make their own decisions. Because of which people can understand the problems and find their solutions and therefore solve it.

5. How can you solve the rooted social problems of your society

I can solve the rooted social problems of my society through the means of education and awareness.

6. What can be the role of the nation to solve social problem?

The nation can maintain the peace, security and stable politics so that several problems cannot grow.

Short Questions

1. As per your experience, knowledge and studies make a list of as many social problems of Nepalese society as you can.

The list of social problems in the Nepalese society are as follows:
  • Girls trafficking
  • Refugee problem
  • Untouchability
  • Drug abuse
  • Child labor
  • Dowry
  • Sexual abuse
  • Gender discrimination
  • Lingual inequality
  • Racial inequality

2. Can we stop using English in the name of saving our local languages? What else can we do to protect our own languages from declining?

No, we should not stop using English language in the name of saving our local languages as English is an internationally recognized language. English is the only language spoken all over the world. Protecting our local languages is a must but stopping the use of English language makes us incapable of speaking to the foreigners and if someday we visit the other countries it makes our living more difficult.

3. "Superstition and Gender discrimination are two serious social problems of our society." Justify.

Superstition and Gender discrimination are two serious problems of our society as superstition blinds people and because of which they are forced to follow silly acts to fulfill their wishes. Following such acts would never fulfill their wishes but destroys the lives of animals and children and also creates a negative impact in the society. Belief has a limit but believing in something more than necessary is called superstition. In Nepal, superstition has led its roots very deep. Superstition is a bad practice in the society.
Gender discrimination relates to the discrimination done according to the gender of a human, which is not right. Male or female, both should be equally treated in the society. As discriminating discourages female population due to which females will always be left behind in every fields of life. In Nepalese society, gender discrimination is practiced in every part of country. Girl are not privileged to do simple things like going to school, choosing their career paths etc.

4. Prioritize the social problem you have noted down based on their complexity.

The social problems based on priority based on complexity are given below :
  • Girls Trafficking
  • Dowry system
  • Gender discrimination
  • Unemployment
  • Child labour
  • Alcoholism
  • Untouchability
  • Prostitution
  • Domestic Violence
  • Drug Abuse et

5. "Gender inequality is a complex social problem in our country." Explain.

Really, gender inequality is a national problem, which is rooted all over Nepal. Its main cause is male dominant society, Nepal is a male dominated society. Even son and daughter are discriminated economically and academically. Domestic works and household works are the daily basis of women. Women have to spend much time in serving her husband and mother in law. Society and nation seems to have behaved with women as second-class citizens. Even legally, there are discrimination between man and woman. The women are taken as machine to produce children.

6. Categorize the social problems of our country into traditional (those which are in practice for a long time) and modern (those which have come with the help of science and technology and imitation of foreign culture) social problems.

The traditional social problems, which are in practices for a long time in Nepal, are as :
  • Dowry system
  • Kamaiya system
  • Superstition
  • Alcoholism
  • Gambling
  • Untouchability
  • Gender discrimination
  • Child labour
  • Chhaupadi system
  • Ghumto system
  • Deuki system
  • Jhuma system, etc.
The modern social problems, which are caused after the development of science and technology, areas :
  • Changes in life style from tradition to modern
  • Unnecessary expenditure
  • Use of varied alcoholism
  • Prostitution
  • Girls trafficking
  • Use of drugs
  • Use of unnecessary ornaments
  • Imitation of western culture, etc.

7. "Superstition can be taken as a social problem". Justify the statement with reasons.

Superstition is a belief in something beyond logical reasoning. In the context of Nepal, superstition is a deep rooted social problem. Untouchability, witchcraft, child marriage, etc. are examples of superstition practiced in Nepal. Superstition has shown obstacles for the development and for the social changes. Some men and women are misbehaved very inhumanely in the name of witchcraft. Women cannot get married after the death of their husband but men are allowed to get married after the death of wife. Women are made captive as housewives only. If it is a menstruation period in women, they are not allowed to enter inside their home. Such superstitions have hindered rapid development of our country. So it is taken as social problems.

8. Find the social problems prevailing in your community and write them. How did they come into being? Write the causes of their origin .

Following are the social problems prevalent in my community and their causes.
Social problemsCauses
1. Castism and untouchabilityLack of education and superstition.
2. Alcoholism and gambling.Unemployment and bad company.
3. Child labour.Poverty and iliteracy.
4.WitchcraftLack of doctor and superstition.
5. Gender discrimination and dowry system.Iliteracy, imitation and superstition.
6. Domestic violence.Iliteracy, alcoholism and dowry system.

9. What should we do to check the occurrence of conflict in our family

10. How can we solve our social problems? Discuss and fill in the following table.

ProblemsPosition nowSolution measures
Gender discriminationLaws not properly implementedPublicize laws and raise awareness.
UntouchabalityStill practiced in rural areasStrict punishment
UnemploymentWidespreadJob opportunities should be provided by the government.
Dowry systemStill practice both in cities and rural areas of NepalOne should be imprisoned if he is found giving or taking dowry
Problems related to classStill practice in villages of NepalStrict rules should be implemented
Drug abuseIncreasing in numberBuying and selling of drugs should be banned and if found should be imprisoned
Refugee problems
Girls traffickingIncreasing in numberPublicize laws and raise awareness
Domestic violenceEven laws not enoughStrict rules should be implemented and awareness

11. In the previous lesson you listed some problems. Show them in the table along with their solution measures.

Gender discriminationPublicize laws and raise awareness.
UntouchabalityStrict punishment
UnemploymentJob opportunities should be provided by the government.
Dowry systemOne should be imprisoned if he is found giving or taking dowry
Problems related to classStrict rules should be implemented
Drug abuseBuying and selling of drugs should be banned and if found should be imprisoned
Girls traffickingPublicize laws and raise awareness
Domestic violenceStrict rules should be implemented and awareness

12. Social problems are created socially so need to be tackled socially. Justify the statement

Yes, social problems are created socially and need to be tackled socially. It is not that these social problems was self created but we social beings created it. We were the one who discriminated women, we didn't respected them, we abused them, we asked dowry, etc. If we never did this it could never have become a social problem and now that it has become a social problem we should solve them socially. We can solve them by many ways such as creating awareness, forcing government to make strict news not only this we should not take or give dowry. By this we can solve and stop social problems too.

13. What roles can you play in abolishing social evils and preventions such as untouchability and dowry system?

To prevent untouchability and dowry system firstly, we should aware people not to give or take dowry as it is illegal, if you see people doing such activities its your duty to complain about the in the police as you are one of the member of this Nepal family. To prevent untouchability we should not believe in low cast system or high class because all men are created equally. Not only these if we see this its our duty to aware them that it totally illegal by this we can put little help to solve these problems.

14. Clarify your role in points for the removal of social problems.

As a conscious citizen, my duty is to serve the society and nation. As I got an education, I would try to remove drawbacks and wrong behavior found within my home, my society, and me. Firstly, I would like to correct my attitude and behavior towards society. After that, my role to solve all kinds of problems is as follows:
a. I would provide education to all in my personal efforts.
b. I would conduct several awareness programs among all the people.
c. I would help the government to implement strict rules and regulations.
d. I would manage to settle or rehabilitate victims and provide them skillful training.

15. We can see the problem of child labor everywhere in our society. In most of the hotels, small children are kept for work. Children are kept as domestic servants in many houses of urban areas. There are national and international laws to prevent child labor. In this context, prepare a detailed plan for how you solve this problem as a conscious citizen.

There is a common prevalence of child labour in our society. Its main cause is poverty. For this, every sector should be prepared to reduce poverty. Poor children should be assisted from everywhere. There are national and international laws against child labour. Although the laws have been made, they are not executed in our country. However, the laws must be followed by everyone. To follow the rules, we should start from our home. In the name of child labour, there will be several seminars, gosthis, programmes but I suggest implementing laws very strictly.

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