

 Simply domain name is your web address, google.com, sangams.com.np etc. all are domain names. Domain names are not free and you have to pay for your domain name. But there is some domain name provider that provides free domain name. It is recommended to use free domain name only for learning purpose because free domain is not your legally so the domain provider have right to cancel your domain name at any instant.

In this tutorial we talk about Freenom. According to Freenom it is the world’s first and only free domain provider. It provides .tk, .cf, .ml, .gq and .ga domain names for free as well as paid. The provided free domain works same as the paid domain. It also provides dns service for their free and paid domain. There are some special domain which are not free. These domain names are 1, 2 and 3 character names and some common dictionary keywords.

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